Whoever you are, wherever you are in your journey of faith, you are welcome at St. Columba’s.
What We Believe
We believe God is always offering love in ever-widening circles of embrace, drawing all people and all creation into one. (At St. Columba’s) we try to reflect and embody God’s embrace as we welcome one another, seek the face of God and respect the dignity and integrity of every person, and become beloved community. Whoever you are, and whatever journey you’ve been on, you are welcome at St. Columba’s. We come in every shape, color, age, gender, and household relationship; some of us are seasoned Christians and life-long Episcopalians; many of us found our way from different backgrounds; most of us are seeking to grow in faithfulness, asking questions, striving to create a just society, and eager to Live God’s Love day by day. Join us.
Pastoral care is the very soul of this Christian community. For each of us, there are times in life when we need loving support from others, and times when we can offer it to others. Find here…